So I had to make what I have affectionately dubbed the "clarification call," which happens at least once (if not more) during my excursions to Wal-Mart. She explained she wanted something to make Buffalo Wings in our Crockpot that we can leave cooking over night so that we could have it for dinner before she had to go to work. So she told me to use my own personal discretion in picking out the "Chicken."
Now that I knew to what end the chicken would have, I could go on and select the style of chicken I wanted to fullfil that particular duty. I immediately ruled out the wussy "buffalo" wings and legs that are the clichéd "go to" for most buffalo wing fanatics. Why? two reasons:
1) I don't want to have to eat twenty of these things to fill up.
2) Poor little chickens not growing up in life!
Okay, so maybe that last one is not really a reason, but I decided to go with the full on Drumsticks. True, they don't have as much meat as Chicken Breasts, but it was a happy medium that maximized intake with an acceptable amount of meat on it. But I didn't want to just toss some chicken in the Crockpot and then douse it with a generic buffalo wing sauce. I wanted to make my own Buffalo Sauce for it! So here is what we came up with:
Bludgeoning Buffalo Wings
1 Bottle of Honey BBQ Sauce
2 teaspoons of Ground Cayenne Pepper
1/4 teaspoon of Salt
2 teaspoons of Black Pepper
1/2 teaspoon of Minced Garlic
3 tablespoons of Worcestershire Sauce
2 tablespoons of Tabasco Sauce
1 tablespoons of Tajin Fruit Seasoning
2 tablespoon of Brown Sugar
Then the directions are REALLY easy:
1) Toss everything into the crock pot making sure you have enough BBQ Sauce to cover up most of the "chicken."
2) Stir.
3) Cook on low for 4 hours.
4) Stir occasionally.
5) eat.
Oh, and here is a picture of the chicken bathing in the sauce: