Brain Vomit

Okay, so I've been thinking a lot lately, and if I don't vomit up some of my thoughts, I will quickly end up with a Thought Hemorrhage due to all of the random thoughts that have slowly piled up inside this brain of mine. Everything is relatively inconsequential, so do not let it overwhelm you. If it doesn't make sense to you, then just move along, it's no skin off of my noise.

Recently, I have started to worry about turning left on green when there are no cars around. It's funny (and I logically understand the silliness of it), because during the day when there is plenty of traffic it does not bother me. It is only during the night and only when cars are not around. It's the same feeling you get when you think you are being watched, but know that it is impossible. Yea, I just feel creeped out as though I am about to be hit by some high tech futuristic inviso-car that will plow into me. I think it has something to do with the car accident I had nine months ago. I didn't see the car, so to me it was "invisible" and it completely pwned my clavicle and my car. I just thought it was interesting.

I want to kill my Fan. It makes an annoying "Wrr-Wah-Wrr-Wah-Squee-Wrr" noise that can utterly drive you crazy. I would turn it off, but then it feels too hot without the circulation going in the room. Curse ye, Fan! I loathe you and rue the day you were installed into this apartment!
Yes, that is right, rue! Rue I say!

Every night there is the one person who consistently gets up to leave for work (around four to five o'clock in the morning) who consistently sets off her car alarm. I'm not sure if she just doesn't know how to unlock a car without causing the alarm to go off, or if she is to lazy to take one extra step in order to prevent the car from going "BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!" for two to three seconds. When I first became aware of the fact that one of our neighbors doesn't know how to unlock her own car, I was only slightly annoyed. I mean it honestly didn't wake me up, since I was already awake at that time anyways. I was just mildly amused by the fact that she couldn't properly unlock her car (and if you are wondering, I have watched to make sure she wasn't just stealing the same exact car every few nights).

Are there really any more original thoughts? I mean, everything I know is either the cumulative knowledge of what I have been taught by everyone else or is an idea that is birthed through ANOTHER idea that was given to me by someone else. I mean, take this past paragraph example, I was listening to the song "Your love is better than life" by the Newsboys while on my way to Wal-mart (dodging all of the inviso-cars) and started thinking about whether or not I I have one thing that I "own" and can distinctly claim as being "mine." The best I can think of are my designs that I created, but most of those are permutations of similar designs, collaborations with other people, and/or still life sketches. So that was a fail.

Wait, here it is! Here is the one thing that I can, apart from Christ, distinctly claim is "mine:" My wife. She probably encompasses the best idea and decision I have ever made (again, apart from my decision to leave everything behind and follow Christ) and ever capitalized on. Kelly makes me want to be a better person for Christ, Kelly, and others. She's my cheerleader, my encourager, and my video game buddy. Everything else I have every done or thought of are generic and unoriginal tangents of similar dribble, but compared to that, marrying Kelly is a monsoon of uniqueness that have overshadowed all of my previous ideas and decisions and will make all of my future ones seem inconsequential.

So I guess I could teasingly say "Thanks Kelly." You've diminished everything I ever can and will think of. There is no where I can go from here except down...

And I wouldn't have it any other way!

I Love you Kelly! You're the best thing that has ever happened to me!


Kelly Marie said...

I have to say first of all, it is awesome that you've checked to make sure someone isn't stealing that same car every night. And I'll just completely blush at the last part of all that. You're just too sweet and I love you SOOO muches!

Anonymous said...

Nice vomit....this made me smile, especially the last section. Love you, son