Okay, so maybe he actually isn't here any longer. That's right, the man that we have grown to love to poke fun at his eccentric way of attempting to shove unnecessary garden tools and household cleaners down our throats (Please keep in mind that having house hold cleaners shoved down your throat is potentially dangerous and is widely considered a "bad idea") has died at the age of fifty.
So the king of infomercials has died, this inevitably leads to the question as to whom will be the heir to the thrown? My guess is Vince. Which means it is a sad day in the history of infomercials if they must turn to ShamWow man as means of their salvation. The guy is a total creeper.
On another note, Michael Jackson has also died. Not a good month to be a celebrity it seems, since Farrah Fawcett bit the dust as well earlier this month.
Sleepless in Statesboro
Okay, so maybe it's not as catchy of a title as "Sleepless in Seattle," but I figured it translates well into my state of livelihood as of this moment. No, I'm not saying that my life is a vomit-inducing chick flick filled with needless and pointless drama, as is the case in the Movie, all I am saying is that I am sleepy, and sleep is less... here in Statesboro.
Anyways, I stayed up all yesterday so I could get on a day schedule when we drive down to spend the week with the parents. As you can see from the time stamp of when this was posted (4:00 AM), that worked well, didn't it? So I basically stayed up twenty five hours (from 5:00 PM June 20th to 6:00 PM June 21st) to sleep for seven hours and now I'm up and at 'em. Hind sight is always 20-20, but perhaps I should have forced myself to stay up later so that I would still get seven hours of sleep and maybe get up around five or six AM? Regardless, I'm going to try and go to bed in a few minutes to get more shut eye.
With that being said, I wanted to let people know how much I love Kelly, my wife. Yes, it's humorous coming from a blog entitled "Bludgeoning Creativity," but whatever. Life is not fun if you can't poke fun at yourself! She's a blessing, and I would do almost anything for her. I say almost anything because I'm pretty sure there are some things I would not do. Kelly, I know you are going to read this, so let me clarify: Just because I say I will do almost anything for you does not mean you should try and find that boundary.
With that being said, here is one of those things that I will do for my wife. I'd like to bring attention to my Sister-in-Law's "Great Dallas Giveaway!" For those of you who are NOT my two followers (IE Kelly and my Mom) and are NOT aware of who Dallas is, then let me educate you. Dallas happens to be a very special lady whom I plan to spoil endlessly and send her back to Mommy and Daddy's house only after she is hyped up on the best that sugar can offer!
Also know as my future niece.
Anyways, Angela (my Sister-in-Law) is having a giveaway, so have a look!
Oh, and if you read this, Angela, sorry for editing the image... It just looked way too colorful in the original colors when combined with my color scheme
Anyways, I stayed up all yesterday so I could get on a day schedule when we drive down to spend the week with the parents. As you can see from the time stamp of when this was posted (4:00 AM), that worked well, didn't it? So I basically stayed up twenty five hours (from 5:00 PM June 20th to 6:00 PM June 21st) to sleep for seven hours and now I'm up and at 'em. Hind sight is always 20-20, but perhaps I should have forced myself to stay up later so that I would still get seven hours of sleep and maybe get up around five or six AM? Regardless, I'm going to try and go to bed in a few minutes to get more shut eye.
With that being said, I wanted to let people know how much I love Kelly, my wife. Yes, it's humorous coming from a blog entitled "Bludgeoning Creativity," but whatever. Life is not fun if you can't poke fun at yourself! She's a blessing, and I would do almost anything for her. I say almost anything because I'm pretty sure there are some things I would not do. Kelly, I know you are going to read this, so let me clarify: Just because I say I will do almost anything for you does not mean you should try and find that boundary.
With that being said, here is one of those things that I will do for my wife. I'd like to bring attention to my Sister-in-Law's "Great Dallas Giveaway!" For those of you who are NOT my two followers (IE Kelly and my Mom) and are NOT aware of who Dallas is, then let me educate you. Dallas happens to be a very special lady whom I plan to spoil endlessly and send her back to Mommy and Daddy's house only after she is hyped up on the best that sugar can offer!
Also know as my future niece.
Anyways, Angela (my Sister-in-Law) is having a giveaway, so have a look!

Mean Clothing Color
Okay, so about once every week I am blessed with the honor of going and spending the better half of my night doing laundry over at the laundry mat. Most of the time spent over there is spent playing with the DSi that my lovely wife purchased for me as a wedding gift. The rest of the remaining time is spent just sitting there and thinking. Yes, I realize that this can be dangerous, but it is (in some cases) a necessary evil.
There is, however, one part of the laundry mat experience in which I always, without exception, look forward to. That is when I am blessed with the opportunity to open up the drier and retrieve the giant dust ball that has become the total summation of all the lint found on Kelly and my clothes.
This of course can be used to find the Mean Clothing Color (MCC) of all of our clothes. Over time, I have noticed that the giant lint ball has consistently shown a reddish-grey tenting to it. This naturally means that within that set of laundry, red (or similar colors) is the predominate color. How I (or you) use this information is irrelevant, and some what silly, but the important thing is that we can use the MCC to show us what color the next shirt we purchase will not be. It's the whole idea of maintaining a diverse wardrobe!
I'm sure everyone is excited to here about Kelly and my Wardrobe's Mean Color. Let's just hope that I have piqued your own curiosity as to what your wardrobe's Mean Color is!
Which reminds me, what is your MCC?
There is, however, one part of the laundry mat experience in which I always, without exception, look forward to. That is when I am blessed with the opportunity to open up the drier and retrieve the giant dust ball that has become the total summation of all the lint found on Kelly and my clothes.
This of course can be used to find the Mean Clothing Color (MCC) of all of our clothes. Over time, I have noticed that the giant lint ball has consistently shown a reddish-grey tenting to it. This naturally means that within that set of laundry, red (or similar colors) is the predominate color. How I (or you) use this information is irrelevant, and some what silly, but the important thing is that we can use the MCC to show us what color the next shirt we purchase will not be. It's the whole idea of maintaining a diverse wardrobe!
I'm sure everyone is excited to here about Kelly and my Wardrobe's Mean Color. Let's just hope that I have piqued your own curiosity as to what your wardrobe's Mean Color is!
Which reminds me, what is your MCC?
And So It Begins...
Yes, it's true. The bludgeoning shall commence immediately. For a while now I've been thinking of starting a blog. You could say it's a Molotov mixture of one part "everyone's doing it," two parts "I have too much time on my hand," a pinch of "why not," and a dash of "Kelly wants me to do it."
I figured the first thing I should do is explain the title I selected for my blog. I bet my (two) viewers can already see a direct resemblance to the title of my Sister-in-Law's blog "Bringing Creativity" and my own. First things first, this is not me creating a sub-themed commentary on the story between my Blog and Angela's blog.
It isn't as though Angela's blog arrives at a party with a big smile on it's face and says, "Look, I brought Creativity!" and then my blog comes out from behind the shadows and violently begins to bludgeon the poor and defenseless creativity that Angela so kindly brought to the party.
I would say it is more of a reflection on my writing style: Blunt and to the point. (Wait, is that even possible to describe the same thing as being "Blunt" and to the "point?") So here it is. Basically, in the next few weeks I plan on updating and completely redoing the layout. You see, no self respecting blogger can have a standard template! Post some ideas of you have any on what my design should look like...
I'm thinking something to do with baseball bats and blood...
I figured the first thing I should do is explain the title I selected for my blog. I bet my (two) viewers can already see a direct resemblance to the title of my Sister-in-Law's blog "Bringing Creativity" and my own. First things first, this is not me creating a sub-themed commentary on the story between my Blog and Angela's blog.
It isn't as though Angela's blog arrives at a party with a big smile on it's face and says, "Look, I brought Creativity!" and then my blog comes out from behind the shadows and violently begins to bludgeon the poor and defenseless creativity that Angela so kindly brought to the party.
I would say it is more of a reflection on my writing style: Blunt and to the point. (Wait, is that even possible to describe the same thing as being "Blunt" and to the "point?") So here it is. Basically, in the next few weeks I plan on updating and completely redoing the layout. You see, no self respecting blogger can have a standard template! Post some ideas of you have any on what my design should look like...
I'm thinking something to do with baseball bats and blood...
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