Anyways, I stayed up all yesterday so I could get on a day schedule when we drive down to spend the week with the parents. As you can see from the time stamp of when this was posted (4:00 AM), that worked well, didn't it? So I basically stayed up twenty five hours (from 5:00 PM June 20th to 6:00 PM June 21st) to sleep for seven hours and now I'm up and at 'em. Hind sight is always 20-20, but perhaps I should have forced myself to stay up later so that I would still get seven hours of sleep and maybe get up around five or six AM? Regardless, I'm going to try and go to bed in a few minutes to get more shut eye.
With that being said, I wanted to let people know how much I love Kelly, my wife. Yes, it's humorous coming from a blog entitled "Bludgeoning Creativity," but whatever. Life is not fun if you can't poke fun at yourself! She's a blessing, and I would do almost anything for her. I say almost anything because I'm pretty sure there are some things I would not do. Kelly, I know you are going to read this, so let me clarify: Just because I say I will do almost anything for you does not mean you should try and find that boundary.
With that being said, here is one of those things that I will do for my wife. I'd like to bring attention to my Sister-in-Law's "Great Dallas Giveaway!" For those of you who are NOT my two followers (IE Kelly and my Mom) and are NOT aware of who Dallas is, then let me educate you. Dallas happens to be a very special lady whom I plan to spoil endlessly and send her back to Mommy and Daddy's house only after she is hyped up on the best that sugar can offer!
Also know as my future niece.
Anyways, Angela (my Sister-in-Law) is having a giveaway, so have a look!

Good for you starting a blog! And don't worry about the image colors -- I actually think it looks kinda cool like that :)
Aw, thanks for listening, sweetbean! I♥U! And I like your blog...oodles! = )
It's what makes me, me! And I love you, too!
Anyways, I'm so stoked about some of the prizes.
Maybe if a guy wins you can have one of the prizes be a "DVD" since it starts with a "D," Angela?
Looking forward to seeing u2. Dont push too much, get rest before getting on the road. Be careful and love you "noodles".....cant say "oodles" since Kelly says "oodles". lol
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